Instagram studies to extend the duration of videos up to 1 hour

Is the duration of Instagram videos short ? Well, this could change very soon, because rumors suggest that the social network is studying to expand it from one minute to one hour. This has been assured to the  Wall Street Journal sources familiar with the matter, which point out that Instagram could allow longer videos soon in order to stand up to YouTube .

According to the Annual Study of Social Networks 2018 of IAB Spain, the platform has positioned itself as the favorite social network of Generation Z , and highlights the main use of watching videos. For this reason, it is logical that the company wants to promote this type of content with some changes, and the duration is an essential aspect for this.

Currently, Instagram only allows you to post videos of up to 60 seconds in the profile and 15 seconds in Instagram Stories , restrictions that greatly limit the creators of content and makes them choose YouTube to publish longer videos. Thus, in case this limitation disappears, there will be many influencers who prefer to publish their videos on Instagram , especially if they have a large volume of followers in the social network.

Therefore, allowing longer videos on Instagram can mean the platform multiplies the content uploaded by users and the number of views, as well as the time that is spent within the platform.

This, in turn, also means more publicity , with the succulent income that this entails. According to the report, video ads sell for much higher rates than other pieces and are generally much more lucrative.

Wall Street Journal sources suggest that Instagram has started talking to content creators about producing video in a longer format, and if confirmed, the feature could be launched within the app in a future update. However, at the moment there is nothing official , so we will have to wait for the platform to pronounce itself on the matter.

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