What iPhone owners do not like about their smartphones

iPhone owners do not like about their smartphones

USA Today conducted an independent study on the subject of iPhone shortcomings. The newspaper interviewed thousands of American people to find out what problems they are facing when they use Apple products.

US citizens spoke out about the frequent shortcomings of all modern iPhone, which highlighted five of the most common problems.


What iPhone owners do not like about their smartphones

IPhone has a very weak battery

The most popular complaint of iPhone users was a weak battery. As it turns out, most respondents do not usually have enough battery life, which can be provided by devices of current generations. Part of the problem can be solved by buying an external battery, but this makes the resulting bundle very massive.

Fragile screen

What iPhone owners do not like about their smartphones

IPhone screen is broken very often

The second place was a fragile screen. Many interviewees honestly admitted that they changed the screen at least once after their clumsiness dropped the smartphone on a solid surface, because of what the screen had to be changed in the service center. 30% of respondents changed the screen two or more times.

Headphone jack

What iPhone owners do not like about their smartphones

Users need to return the 3.5mm headphone jack

The third line of the rating USA Today occupied the headphone jack. No matter how Apple tries to explain to users that music through the Lightning connector sounds better, a significant number of users have not been able to get used to this fact and are demanding to return the usual 3.5-inch mini jack.

Not enough memory

IPhone users do not have enough memory

Respondents often advocated the expansion of the built-in repository. For example, on the assurances of Crystal Rose, who spoke with a correspondent of USA Today, she always lacks memory on the iPhone, so it would be perfect for her if Apple increased the amount of space available by default.

Memory cards

Users would like to see the connector for the memory of the iPhone

The minority require Apple to solve the memory shortage problem by adding a memory card slot that is heavily used in Android smartphones, solving the problem of a lack of integrated flash memory. Users who complain about memory do not want to purchase smartphones with 64-128 GB and more memory at once, but they want to be able to expand it if necessary.

Recall that earlier Apple “revived” the old iPhone 5S with a new update, and in the iPhone X Plus saw a threat to all smartphones in the world.