Three Fields Entertainment announces Danger Zone 2 and Dangerous Driving, two heirs of Burnout

Danger Zone 2 and Dangerous Driving

Three Fields Entertainment, the studio of the founders of the Burnout Criterion, has announced two new games that keep alive the passion for excessive speed and reckless shocks. It’s about Danger Zone 2 , the sequel to its crash test simulator last year, and Dangerous Driving , a dangerous racing game.

The first is about to fall: it will be released in July, even without an exact date, for PC, Xbox One and PS4. Although the driving will have a little more room to develop, in Danger Zone 2 the idea is the same as that of the first part: colliding in loud and violent ways in controlled environments to get the most damage possible. Indeed, the approach is the same as that of the famous Crash Mode of Burnout 2, one of the favorites of the cult classic of Criterion.

In addition, the environments in which these lethal crash tests are produced will no longer be closed places but external roads in the United States, England and Spain, according to Eurogamer .