Rocket League: PC

The hybrid consisting of arcade pokatushek on radio-controlled cars and football from Psyonix. Rocket League is one of the most unusual racing arcades or football simulators – to say what is more difficult here. If you have already bored with the usual arcade races or football, then this game can be a good substitute. For this, you need to download the Rocket League from our site and test your abilities as a rider and football player.

Despite its arcade, the game has a high-quality physical model and close to realistic physics collisions. This same physics engine is responsible for the realistic interaction of machines with the environment. As a consequence, it is easy and intuitive to operate cars. All this together and makes the gameplay so dynamic and completely unlike regular football. Graphics are also at altitude, the arenas have decent detail and dimensions.

If desired, you can play the game together and even the four of us on a split screen. Or play multiplayer on the network with 8 participants at once. It is worth noting that live players online are very different from their opponents under AI control, which at first can cause some confusion and the need to develop new skills for the current situation. All this is only temporary difficulties that can be easily overcome.

Clippers can be adjusted in every way by selecting the appropriate coloring and accessories. The number of these accessories is quite large, on the assurances of developers, you can create about 10 million possible combinations and combinations. As always, most of them are unlocked for passing levels and various achievements. The game has the ability to maintain and view its statistics, as well as online high score tables. Repeats particularly successful rounds can be viewed from any point of the level, and there is also a rewind. Multiplayer has a partial cross-platform, you can play online with the owners of PlayStation 4 and PC. 

Main features: 
– One of the most unusual combinations of races on radio-controlled cars and football.
– A quality physics engine with a plausible simulation of collisions and interaction with the environment. 
– Ability to play as a split-screen (up to four players) and online (up to eight players at a time). At the same time, due to cross-platform support for both PlayStation 4 and PC.