Forza Horizon 4 can be seen in a spectacular trailer while we await your arrival in the month of October

Forza Horizon 4

Forza Horizon 3 is one of the best driving games that we can find in the market today. A masterpiece that nevertheless already sees its successor ( how time passes ), which has been announced by Microsoft. It will reach the market on October 2, 2018 and we can see it in a spectacular trailer.

Forza Horizon is one of the most popular sagas if we talk about driving games, maybe even more than the Forza Motorsport. Forza Horizon 2 was at least for me, the best driving game I’ve tried , stealing hours and hours, many more than Horizon 3 that did not finish conquering me in the same way. That’s why there is curiosity to try Forza Horizon 4 .

Improving the unbeatable?

It is a title that follows the virtues that have made the saga popular. He continues counting on the development of Playground Games and returns to show off his free driving as a flag. The question that could remain is what could they improve with respect to Forza Horizon 3?

With a development focused on the European continent, this Forza Horizon 4 highlights an improved graphic aspect with scenarios that change according to the season of the year in which we are competing. The same landscape is modified depending on whether it is summer, autumn, winter or spring.

In the same way, the climatological factors will be more determinant when driving, because now they indicate more in the games. It will not be the same to drive with snow, with heavy rain or with light showers.

The new installment of the series will arrive both for Windows 10 and for Xbox One on October 2 and in parallel is available to subscribers of the Xbox Game Pass. In addition it will come optimized for Xbox One X, with support for 4K and video in HDR.